Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sams of Time

 In this work, I investigated my struggle with time: the frustrations and limitations I feel. My struggle with time is not very visual, so with this work I tried to capture these feelings with transparency, because of the unseen struggle.
In time, I stretched the canvas. I primed the canvas. I put tape on the canvas. I painted the background of my canvas. I peeled back the fragments of tape. I painted the painting. Then, I kept painting until I had captured the feelings I had envisioned and experienced.
I marked my free time with the tape. The white spaces revealed when the tape was peeled back, represent my free time. I tried to avoid covering them up, or adjusting their shape. I enjoy the rough edges the tape created because it expresses how unsure my free time is.
I continued the investigation of time on slate, and a thing (a kind of fungi), I found from the Glen. The floor piece represents time itself, with the layers of material that formed over time.
The canvas is focused on my physical feelings, and the slate focuses on more invisible internal feelings: the overwhelming pressure of the academics at Antioch, and the big life steps I have taken leading me to Antioch.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

 Drawing how I imagine the models bones.
Creating a different figure with the bones above.


Performance Art Project
As I sat with a friend under this tree, he told me a story. I painted his story, as people watched.